About Amari
Amari is the leader in Better-For-You Sports Recovery for people who want to stay active and have fun as a way to stay healthy and young.
We believe that staying active and physical activity with friends and family are the best ways to stay healthy.
We believe that reducing inflammation from exercise is key to recovery and getting back out there day after day.
We believe that superior quality ingredients in functional formulations equal improved human health, encouraging our bodies to recover faster and perform at their best.
We believe that gentle, better-for-you products can taste amazing while providing real benefits.

How it all began...
Eric loves snow.
His fondest childhood memories involve days off because of a chance snow storm and family vacations skiing in New England. At the first opportunity, Eric headed West where the mountains are bigger and the snow is deeper. In the winter, you would find him skiing and snow shoeing, in spring and summer he would enjoy that same snow, rafting and kayaking on the western rivers.
As he got older, as most of us eventually do, he noticed that the spirit was willing but often times the body had aches, pains and soreness from the activities he is passionate about like hiking, skiing and rafting. He thought there must be a way to take a better-for-you approach to reducing aches and pains from exercise and recovering faster.
He thought. "What if we developed a product line that blended meaningful doses of gentle, effective ingredients to reduce inflammation from exercise and help people enjoy the activities they love…"
And Amari was born.