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Amari SuperFan Interview: Amanda Pearo

Amari SuperFan Interview: Amanda Pearo 

We are pleased to introduce another one of Amari’s SuperFans—Amanda Pearo.

Founder, owner, and coach of Swole & Stretch Fitness in Denver, Amanda is a strength training powerhouse with a penchant for tools that work. She combines a background in yoga with research-based nutrition planning to aid in active fueling and recovery for both herself and her clients. Because her training programs utilize a scientific approach, it’s no surprise she’s a fan of Amari’s adaptogenic ingredients like ashwagandha and turmeric. As Amanda explains, she “quickly fell in love with not only the physical benefits of strength training but also with the character traits that arose through it: confidence, grit, and determination.” These are some of the same traits we hope you find in each packet of our Mountain Sports-Recovery supplement.

Amanda’s new gym, Muscle + Mindset, will open January 2, 2021 in Denver. We encourage all of our local Amari fans to check it out for powerlifting, olympic weightlifting, and yoga and meditation classes. We hear there will be a sauna, too!

Learn more about Amanda’s empowering mindset and how she uses Amari to boost her strength training in the questions, below:

 1.What do you notice when you take Amari?
When I take Amari, I notice that I feel recovered and ready for each training session under the bar. My joints aren’t stiff when I awake in the mornings and my muscle soreness recovers within 24 hours instead of the typical 48-72 hours.

 2.Tell us how you incorporate Amari into your routine.
I love to drink Amari after a hard training session. I wake up the next day without soreness or fatigue and am fresh for the next day’s training.

3.How has Amari helped you reach your goals?
I started drinking Amari during the 12-week training block leading up to my most recent powerlifting meet. I was delighted to feel fresh and ready for each workout with limited soreness. Using Amari to mitigate soreness and fatigue allowed me to train my hardest each day—ultimately setting personal records on all my lifts in October!

4. If you drop everything and board a plane next week to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would go to Antarctica or Australia. They are the only continents I have not yet visited!

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