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There is no shortage of sugar filled beverages available. We wanted to take a different, healthier approach. Our intentional formulations do not have any sugar. Instead, we use monk fruit as our sweetener.  
While there may not be specific clinical studies directly addressing the benefits of no added sugar in sports drinks like Amari, existing research on sugar consumption, inflammation, and metabolic health can offer valuable insights into the potential advantages of selecting sugar-free options.


Impact of Sugar on Inflammation: Numerous studies have highlighted the pro-inflammatory effects of excessive sugar consumption. High sugar intake has been associated with elevated levels of inflammatory markers in the body, potentially leading to chronic inflammation and various health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic Effects of Sugar: Consuming large amounts of added sugars can disrupt metabolic processes, leading to insulin resistance, weight gain, and metabolic disfunction. By avoiding added sugars, individuals may support more stable blood sugar levels and promote better metabolic health, which are essential components of effective post-exercise recovery.


Monk fruit, a small, green melon grown in Southeast Asia, has been used since the 13th century. First used by monks (hence the name), it contains zero calories, zero carbs, zero sodium, and zero fat. Amari uses monk fruit as our sweetener because it does not affect blood sugar levels and contains 0g of sugar. The catch with monk fruit is that some individuals may encounter an unpleasant aftertaste, where the sweetness lingers on the palate.


Oxidative stress status in elite athletes engaged in different sport disciplines – To get a closer look how different type of exercise can impact the body.

What is oxidative stress and why does it matter to metabolic health? – A well written blog article to provide more insight on oxidative stress.

Exploring The Science of Recovery – Understanding the recovery process after physical activity.

It’s the Recovery, Not the Exercise, That Builds Muscles – Highlighting why recovery is just as important as performing the exercise.

How Sugar Fuels Oxidative Stress – Understanding the impact that excessive sugar can have inflammation and the impact on the body.

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